Communications Practice/ Total Compensation Statements

Total Compensation Statements can increase employee appreciation and retention rates, which in turn often results in higher productivity and better morale within the workplace. See our Personalized Benefit Statements Fact Sheet for additional information about these communications.

We offer the following personalized employee communications:

  • Total Compensation Statements
  • Retirement Benefit Statements
  • Retirement Planning and Change Communications
  • Executive Benefit Statements
  • Annual Enrollment Worksheet and Confirmation Statements
  • Savings Plan Promotions (Tax and Match)


Boomershine Consulting Group works with you to create custom communications that are tailored to your organization and personalized for each of your employees.

Our approach is consultative:

  • Our solutions are fully customized for your organization – with full color and branding, unrestricted fixed and variable content (not a templated solution);
  • Collation of multiple data sources and editing are a standard part of the process;

And we can provide a full service turn key solution, or assist you with any part of the process:

  • Develop and manage your project plan, statement content, format and data requirements;
  • Perform pension and retirement plan estimates and projections;
  • Assist in your data and statement audit;
  • Laser image, finish, and distribute the statements

Let us create a personalized solution for you that is in concert with your goals, objectives, and timeline – while keeping in mind your budget.

For more information about how BCG can help you with Total Compensation/Retirement Plan Statements or to request sample Total Compensation Statements, please contact Kate Boomershine at 410-418-5589 or complete the request form on the right side of this page.